Troca Shell Manol - Set Jewelry Size: 18" Necklaces, 7" Bracelets
2-3 Mm Green / White / Blue / Yellow Coco Pokalet Necklace
Coco Pokalet Natural Necklace With Square Cut Shell / Green / Orange Combination Coco Flower
White Shell W/ Green And Natural Coco Comination Necklace
2-3 Coco Pukalet Maron With Black And White Necklace
Nangka Dice 6x6 In Beads Strands Or Necklaces
Buri Seed Tiger Quarter Moon In Beads Strands Or Necklaces
2-3 Coco Heishe / Pukalet Bleach With Coco Flowers Orange Color Necklace
2-3 Heishe Bleach / In Coco Flower Pink And White Necklace
Wholesale lot handmade sigay cowrie shell necklaces natural coconut handmade necklaces
4-5mm Maroon Coco Pokalet W/ White Shell Alternates Necklace
White Shell With Coco Pokalet Brown / Black Necklace
2-3 Coco Pukalet Black In Natural Brown Necklace
Nassa Yellow Shell Side Drill In Beads Strands Or Necklace
2-3 Mm Coco Heishe Pastel Blue Necklace W/ White Shell Sq Cut Alt And Skeleton Pendant
Earth Tones / White Sq. Cut / 2-3 Heishe /w Nassa / Om Glass Beads
Square Cut White Rose With 4-5 Mm Orange Coco Heishe Alternate Necklace
Natural White Wood With Diamond Cut 12x12 In Beads Strands Or Necklaces
45mm Carved Blacklip Lizard In Leather Thong
4-5 Coco Pukalet Royal Blue With Pukalet Bleach Necklace
2-3 Heishe Bleach/ Pukalet Natural. Brown/ White Rose/ Hammer Shell /orange Necklace
4-5mm White Shell Necklace W/ Navy Blue Coco Heishe Alternates
Side Drill Square Cut Troca & 2mm Bayong Beads Alternate Necklace
4-5 Coco Pukalet Natural Brown With Black & White Necklace