35mm Clay Bug Adjustable black wax cord Tribal Clay Jewelry
Dangling 30mmx20mm Rectangular Laminated Golden Amber Kabibe Shell Rings In High Gloss with Wood Beads Accent
Natural White Wood Beads 15mm In Beads Strands Or Necklaces
Oval Black Lip W/ Intricate Lady Carving 52mmx43mm Pendants
Dangling Handpainted And Colored Oval 35mmx26mm Kabibe Shell Pendant Embellished with Elevated /Embossed Metallic Paint Accent
MOP Oblong W/hole 34 Mm X 20 Mm
Round Tiger Cowrie 40mm Pendants
Green Horn Nuggets In Beads Strands Or Necklaces
4-5 Coco Pukalet Maro0n With Bleach Necklace- Size 14 Inches
Hook MOP 40mm Pendants
Horn Twisted Cross 40mm Pendants
Scarf Necklace - 6 Rows Pink/purple Cut Glass Beads W/ Tassled White Rose Shell In Blue
Burgundy Red & Tiger Corals 10mmx60mm
Dangling 30x10mm Black Lip Bar W/ Horn Bead Accent Earrings
4-5 Coco Pukalet Tiger & Bleach Alternate Necklace
Dangling 16x23mm Black Tab Oval Shell W/ Bamboo Troca Accent
2 Rows 2-3mm Coco Pokalet Bleach White / Natural Brown Combination W/ Palmwood Tube / Brown
Black Lip Scallop W/ Groove 40mm Pendants
Round 40mm Hammershell W/ Handpainted Design - Floral/embossed Pendants
Red Rectangular W/ Hole In Beads Strands Or Necklaces
Cowrie Stick Dangling Earings
S.d.t. Angel Fish Pink Capiz Shells Wind Chime
Graywood Wheels 10x15 In Beads Strands Or Necklaces
Turqoise Blue Buri Tube W/ Turqoise Blue Coco Bleach - Size 7 Inches Bracelets